Wednesday 3rd April
Our guest speaker on 3rd April was technology consultant Andy Collins of Vostel Ltd. His subject was Customer Service. Without exception, this was relevant to every member of PN as we are all in customer facing roles, to one degree or another.
Andy reminded us of the importance of pleasantries and taking a genuine interest in the public we deal with. “Honour promises” – do what you say you will do. When corresponding with clients or customers, make sure the words you use are easy to read and unambiguous. We also discussed little tips like 'stand when making an important phone call' – it gives you a sense of authority. “Try smiling whilst on the phone” – the person at the other end will probably hear it in your voice!
Many thanks to Andy for reminding us of the importance of customer service – consideration for us all.
Written by: Martin Crawford Jones
Wednesday 6th March
A big 'thank you' to member Jason Cornes for his talk on 'The Benefits of Business Mentoring'. We are all busy doing what we do in the way we think it should be done. How often are our beliefs and assumptions challenged by someone looking from the outside to provide a different perspective on our businesses and who can see room for improvement? Jason does just that. He will conduct an 'MOT' on a business, help with a specific project or act as a hidden business partner in the longer term.
We always pick up useful tips and information from each other during our short member presentations.
This time, Fiona Hill reminded us all to check our tax codes in April, Pauline Turner recollected when she was “knee-high to an organ pedal” as a child in Pevensey Bay and Giles Robinson warned us of the dangers of giving up our spouses, just for the period of Lent. At least, I think that’s what he said!
On a more serious note, our guest Frederick Smith from Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance left us with the thought that within the town’s population of 107,000, 43.2% of residents over the age of 65 have been diagnosed with a form of dementia. What a frightening statistic!
Written by: Martin Crawford Jones
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Wednesday 1st May
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